The Legend of Ministers of the Mystery

The Legend of Ministers of the Mystery

The defeat of the Master Ministers in Salem was not the last time they would fail. In 2019, they made sure that they would not fail when one of the darkest times for this country would come. All they had to do was make sure the one sent to deliver the miracle would not kill himself before he opened his eyes to the power he had within himself.
What route do miracels take?

What route do miracels take?

When I wrote For The Love Of Jack, I wrote it as a warning to younger people about what they were heading for so they wouldn't have to suffer and learn the hard way as my generation was forced to do. I wanted to offer knowledge so they didn't make the same mistakes I did.


When the war is over, they will need help to heal but if all they find is doom and gloom, they won't receive it. Be ready to help them recover as another survivor because you speak the same language even though you did not experience what they did, you're living with the results from other causes.