Stranger Angels

Stranger Angels

In August of 2021, I was feeling really hopeless about the work I have done since 1984. I ran out of new things to say, since the message has always been about healing #PTSD. I prayed for an answer and it came with The Lost Son. After I started writing it, about half way through, I started writing part two, Alive Again. Both of these books were published in November.

By the middle of December, I started writing part three, Stranger Angels. It was published on Amazon Kindle this morning and the paperback, as well as hardcover, will be available soon.

The Lost Son by Kathie Costos

The Lost Son is 188 pages.

Alive Again, The Lost Son Part Two

Alive Again is 291 pages.

Stanger Angels

Stranger Angels, The Lost Son Part Three is only available on Kindle right now, but the print version is 370 pages.

Chris Papadopoulos survived a bomb blast while working as a reporter covering the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He survived his wife trying to kill him. He survived her stalking him. On the seventh anniversary of surviving the bomb blast, he didn’t want to see one more year of suffering. With no hope of his life changing, he decided to end it on his terms. God had other plans and miracles walked back into his life.

He learned to live up to what God had planned for him all along. Chris wasn’t just chosen to change lives. He was sent!

If you want to believe in miracles again, understand they are around you all the time.

They show up when you least expect them to….and when you least feel you deserve them to.

Hebrews 13:1-3

13 Let brotherly love continue.  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

#BreakTheSilence and #TakeBackYourLife From #PTSD