Southern Baptist Church protected pedophiles?

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Catholics had their pedophiles and protected them for decades, but not the children born into this world. This shocked everyone else because they have been pro-life and have refused to give communion to anyone fighting for the rights of people to make their own choices, including Presidents. Seems their morality was a bit off when they did not protect kids with the souls from God within them.

Well now we know, it wasn’t just Catholics protecting pedophiles while at the same time, screaming about the need to protect the unborn! The Southern Baptist Church was doing it too.

Meanwhile, Land was elected chief executive of the Christian Life Commission in 1988 and made defending unborn life one of the entity’s priorities. Under his leadership, the CLC lobbied for pro-life legislation in Congress and taught Southern Baptists how a biblical ethic of life applied to abortion, reproductive technology, human cloning and embryonic stem cell research.

Current SBC President Ronnie Floyd told BP that Southern Baptists must build on victories of the past and rearticulate their commitment to defend unborn life in every generation.

“If we continually hold high our commitment to holy Scripture, to the lordship of Jesus Christ and our commitment to human life from the moment of conception, I think we can constantly be an effective voice” for life, Floyd said.

Baptist Press

A famous ex-member decided to stop being associated with Southern Baptists but not the Baptist church itself. Beth Moore, is pro-life but she is also about protecting children and supports women in pastoral positions. She preached as much as she was “allowed” to instead of being encouraged to preach wherever she wanted.

She also began to speak out about her own experience of abuse, especially after a February 2019 report from the Houston Chronicle, her hometown newspaper, detailed more than 700 cases of sexual abuse among Southern Baptists over a 20-year period.

Christianity Today

Victims of sexual assaults were told to pray about it, but the criminals were protected?

So where is the moral outrage concerning the criminals these “holy” places protected? Where is the moral outrage and widespread protests over the actions of these criminals? Where is it against those who protected the criminal while vilifying the victims?

The 288-page report issued on Sunday names a few senior leaders on the church’s executive committee as having control over its response to the reports of abuse and of being “singularly focused on avoiding liability for the SBC”.

These officials reportedly “protected or even supported alleged abusers”, the report says.


Now we know more to a new disgusting level.

The sex abuse scandal was thrust into the spotlight in 2019 by a landmark report from the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News documenting hundreds of cases in Southern Baptist churches, including several in which alleged perpetrators remained in ministry.

Associated Press

According to the report, Guidepost’s investigators, who spoke with survivors of varying ages including children, said the survivors were equally traumatized by the way in which churches responded to their reports of sexual abuse.

Survivors “spoke of trauma from the initial abuse, but also told us of the debilitating effects that come from the response of the churches and institutions like the SBC that did not believe them, ignored them, mistreated them, and failed to help them,” the report said.

It cited the case of Dave Pittman, who from 2006 to 2011 made phone calls and sent letters and emails to the SBC and Georgia Baptist Convention Board reporting that he had been abused by Frankie Wiley, a youth pastor at Rehoboth Baptist Church when he was 12 to 15 years old.

Associated Press

We live in very troubled times but while rant about “prayer” being taken out of schools, others scream about protecting the rights of the unborn, ignore what is being done to those who have been born. We see state after state controlled by Republicans passing laws about “protecting” the unborn at the same time they slam and shame those born, including survivors of criminals. Each of these states passing their laws to stop abortions, have abysmal records on taking care of the born, including giving parental rights to rapists while they want to force a female to carry the pregnancy to term after she was forced by rape causing her to become pregnant and having to face what was forced on her by the state itself!

Any idea how many ended up having to deal with PTSD over all this? Will the churches responsible for the survivors becoming victims in the first place be held responsible for their care for the rest of their born lives?

In all of this, morality should never, ever be handed over to those who do not value the living. Few in this country take them seriously when we have seen what they’re moral values turn out to be while they demand the power to subvert the rights of others to make their own choices.

We do still live in a country where the right to decide for ourselves is still protected. Don’t we?

Stranger Angels Among Us is being released July 4th because I felt the need to address what is going on in this country and most of it isn’t pretty. The good thing is, the good vastly outnumber the ones committing these evil deeds!