preventing regretting

hospital, teddy, ill-3872344.jpg

Seeing your child in the hospital for the first time come with great joy! You believed you were blessed with the life you brought into the world. Seeing your child in the hospital again, comes with great trauma.

Children are going back to school. They will see their friends again instead of being isolated away from them. The problem is, there is a pandemic still raging around the country. Children should never be put into danger for political reasons, yet that is exactly what we are seeing all over the country. Why?

Change in Child COVID-19 Cases*

  • 93,824 child COVID-19 cases were reported the past week from 7/29/21-8/5/21 (4,198,296 to 4,292,120) and children represented 15.0% (93,824/623,590) of the weekly reported cases
  • Over two weeks, 7/22/21-8/5/21, there was a 4% increase in the cumulated number of child COVID-19 cases (165,550 cases added (4,126,570 to 4,292,120))

Hospitalizations (23 states and NYC reported)*

  • Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.5%-3.5% of their total cumulated hospitalizations, and 0.1%-1.9% of all their child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization

How many parents are against their children wearing masks or getting vaccinated if they are old enough? If you are among them, maybe your think the chance of your child getting COVID-19 is low. Other things come with low risks too yet you care enough about your children to protect them from even the smallest risk.

Do you put them in a car seat when they are too small to just use a seatbelt?

The Scope of the Problem

Photo: children in car seats in backseat with parents in the front

In the United States, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among children. In 2018, 636 children 12 years old and younger died in motor vehicle traffic crashes, and more than 97,000 were injured. Of the children 12 years old and younger who died in a crash in 2018 (for which restraint use was known), 33% were not buckled up. Parents and caregivers can make a lifesaving difference.


The chance of you getting into an accident are not very high, but you protect them in case you it happens.

Do you make sure you do not leave them at home alone? The chance of a fire, accident in the home, or someone breaking in, is not that high, yet you care enough to make sure an adult is always with them.

Do you leave then in a car alone while you go shopping? The chance of anything bad happening to them is not that high but you care enough to protect them from baking to death in a hot car, being taken from a stranger or hit by another car. You care enough about them to think about what the worst thing that could happen being prevented.

There are so many things parents do to protect their children because they love them. Why is wearing a mask so they are protect from COVID-19 ever the wrong thing to do? If you think they are uncomfortable wearing one, consider how uncomfortable they will be in a hospital bed with a tube running down their throat so they can breathe.

If you do nothing to protect them agains this and they end up there, can you live with the regret of being wrong? If they end up with residual illnesses they will carry the rest of their lives, can you deal with the regret of not doing what you could to prevent it from happening?

People are finally changing their minds on this for the sake of the children.

With cases running rampant across his state, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson is caught in a bind. The governor is still not in favor of a statewide mandate, but he wants the law banning state and local mask mandates overturned to give schools the opportunity to implement mask mandates.

“In hindsight, I wish that it had not become law,” Hutchinson said at a news conference Tuesday. “But it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation.”


Maybe you should too before it is too late to prevent the regret you may have the rest of your life. Love them enough to protect them from COVID-19 the same way you protect them from everything else.


Dick Farrel, a conservative radio host, regretted what he thought before he died of COVID-19.

H. Scott Apley, a member of the State Republican Executive Committee, died of COVID-19.

“I am very saddened to report that H Scott Apley passed away last night at about 3 am,” an update on the page said. “He leaves behind his wife, Melissa, who is COVID positive, as well as their infant son Reid.”

New Hampshire Republican state Rep. Dick Hinch wept as he accepted a nomination as speaker of the house…” and a week later he was found dead at his house, of COVID-19.

Richard Rose, a 37-year-old Ohio man, died July 3 — just two days after testing positive for COVID-19, according to a local outlet.

“Throughout the prior months, Rose was vocal on Facebook about what he called “that damn hype” of mask wearing, and frequently checked in at bars and restaurants throughout the state.” And there were more on this report.

Stephen Harmon, a member of the Hillsong megachurch, had been a vocal opponent of vaccines, making a series of jokes about not having the vaccine. “Got 99 problems but a vax ain’t one,” the 34-year-old tweeted to his 7,000 followers in June. He was treated for pneumonia and Covid-19 in a hospital outside Los Angeles, where he died on Wednesday.”