PTSD Demon not as strong as you think

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When you think all is forsaken
Listen to me now (all is not forsaken)
You need never feel broken again
Sometimes darkness can show you the light

Disturbed The Light

When you have PTSD, there is a struggle going on between the demon being fed by it and the angel trying to get your attention. The demon’s voice is like a horror movie, much like the one that caused PTSD to invade your soul. The angel is like an old biblical epic you no longer believe applies to your life now. That is, until you remember the people who came to save you from the event you survived. They came out of nowhere to help you. At least that is what you told yourself when they were suddenly there. Much easier than acknowledging they were sent to save you.

If you believe the demon was sent to destroy you, why would it be so hard to believe earthly angels were sent to save you? Isn’t that how miracles happen?

Anyone who puts their lives not the line for the sake of someone else, is an earthly angel. That includes members of the military, law enforcement, firefighters or any other responders who take jobs that come with many hardships for the sake of others. You were sent because it was in your soul to take those jobs.

Then there are the others who also battled their own demons and defeated them. They are also earthly angels because they put their lives on hold to help others heal, like someone helped them.

Once they lived in darkness and remember what it was like to suffer, feeling there was nothing left to hope for. Then the angel spoke loud and clear, opening their eyes to the light that was still inside of them. They found the power of goodness was much stronger than any demon of doubt. They realized the only power it had over them, was what they allowed it to have. They decided to fight to take back their lives instead of only thinking of ending their own lives.

You cannot ask someone who committed suicide if they regret it. You can ask someone who healed how they did it. The other thing is, they learned how to not be a burden to their families anymore, by healing instead of leaving them with a burden that would never end wondering what they did wrong.

Listen to your angel and defeat the demon.

Remember, it’s your life…get in and drive it!

#BreakTheSilence and #TakeBackYourLife from #PTSD